Some of the Meally Redpoll flock seen in Norwich on New Years Day. Photo by Steve Smith.
Ringtail Hen Harrier at Gapton Marshes in January. Photo by Steve Smith.
The Cantley Lesser White-fronted Goose seen with Taiga Bean Geese. Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Right and below, more photos of the Lesser White-fronted Goose at Cantley Marshes. Photos by Justin Lansdell
The Red-necked Grebe at Rockland Broad in January, seen here on the 20th. Photo by Steve Smith.
The Ross's Goose that has been seen on Limpenhoe and Haddiscoe Marshes during January, then in the Halvergate area in February with a Pink-footed Goose flock. Dark markings in secondaries on both wings suggest it is the same bird present in NW Norfolk in 2007. Photo by Steve Smith.
Pale-bellied and Dark-bellied Brent Geese - Breydon South Wall Jan 2011. Part of the largest ever flock of the former in Norfolk. Photo by Murray Smith
One of a group of Waxwings visiting an apple tree in the garden of 340 Hall Road, Norwich in early Feb. Photograph by Justin Lansdell
The leucistic Lapwing that has appeared erratically at both Buckenham and Cantley Marshes this winter, here photographed at Buckenham on 4/2/11 by Dave Holman.
female Brambling visiting feeders at Strumpshaw Fen on 27/02/2011. Photo by Murray Smith

The drake Red-crested Pochard seen at Strumpshaw during March. Photo by Perry Fairman Ecological Experiences (copyrighted).

Orkney neck-ringed Greylag Goose (HSK) at Buckenham Marshes - Jan 2011. This bird was first ringed in July 2010 at Loch of Hundland, Birsay. Photograph by Murray Smith

A Snow Bunting carrying a yellow leg ring seen at Gorleston on the 5th February. This bird was ringed on Kessingland beach, Suffolk on 22/01/11. A 1st winter female of the Iceland race insulae. Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Hybrid Tufted Duck x Pochard - Whitlingham CP 05/02/2011, although superficially resembling a drake Lesser Scaup, the 'smooth' grey mantle lacking vermiculations, extent of black on bill tip and weakly brown tinged head confirm identity. Photo by Justin Lansdell
The male Hen Harrier seen on Breydon Water south wall during February. Photo by Steve Smith.
Drake Gadwall x Wigeon hybrid at Whitlingham CP. Photographed by Dave Norgate in Jan 2011 and still present 27/02/2011
The Great White Egret at Marlingford at the end of February. Photos by Dave Holman (left) and Steve Smith (right).
The Slavonian Grebe seen in late February and early March, commuting between Langley, Hardley and Loddon Staithes, seen here at Hardley Staithe on the 2nd March. Photo by Steve Smith.
The White-tailed Eagle at Caister in early April, seen distantly from the Acle New Road, Gt Yarmouth. (Believe me it looked better through a 60X scope!) Photo by Steve Smith.
The elusive but vocal Grasshopper Warbler at Strumpshaw Fen which arrived in the first week of April. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. The drake Ferruginous Duck seen at Strumpshaw Fen in April. Both photos by Murray Smith.

Grey Plover at Buckenham Marshes 05/05/2011. Still a very scarce migrant wader at inland sites. Photograph by Justin Lansdell

The Ruddy Shelduck that wandered the valley during April, visiting Buckenham, Strumpshaw Fen, Hardley Flood and Cantley where it is pictured here. Often with Egyptian Geese it is perhaps the same bird that spent the early winter in the Haddiscoe Island area with a flock of the same species. Photograph by Ben Lewis.
This Greater Flamingo paid a whirlwind visit to Strumpshaw Fen on 11th May en route from The Ouse Washes to Minsmere where it remained for at least a week. The bird was traced to having escaped from Marwell Zoo, Hampshire. Photograph by Ben Lewis.

Female Garganey at Cantley Marshes in May 2011. Photograph by Justin Lansdell.
The Blue-headed x Yellow Wagtail, or Channel Wagtail, which is holding territory late May into June, just west of Great Yarmouth, on the north side of the Acle New Road (A47). Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. Pochards are regular breeders in the mid Yare Valley, with broods reported from Strumpshaw and Cantley this year. This family photographed at Cantley in June by Steve Smith.
The Barnacle x Red-breasted Goose hybrid recorded at both Buckenham and Strumpshaw Fen in Spring 2011 before relocating to Whitlingham CP for the summer. Photograph by Justin Lansdell
With so little around the valley at present, a photograph for the connoisseurs to continue the Geese theme! Two juvenile hybrid Greylag x domestic white Goose at Buckenham Marshes June 2011 (the progeny of the long staying huge 'farmyard' Goose by the access track). Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. Green Sandpipers are a feature of Cantley sugarbeet factory. The two pictured here were amongst 40+ at the site in July. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. Part of the Starling roost at Cantley sugarbeet factory during August. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. The Pectoral Sandpiper found by Justin Lansdell at Cantley sugarbeet factory on the 31st August. Photo by J Lansdell.

Below. A good mixture of waders this autumn at Cantley sugarbeet factory included several Wood Sandpipers (below left) and a few Little Stints (below right with a Ruff). Photos by J Lansdell.

Below. A few Spotted Redshanks have also been sighted this autumn at Cantley sugarbeet factory, like this bird seen in early September. Photo by Steve Smith.
Part of a large flock of Black-tailed Godwits at Buckenham Marshes in mid April that peaked at c120 on 16th. Photo by Justin Lansdell
More images of the drake Ferruginous Duck at Strumpshaw Fen on 20th April, taken between repeated attempts to mate with a female Pochard. Photos by Justin Lansdell
Record images of 2 drake Garganey at Buckenham Marshes on 27/04/11. One sleepy, one less so! Photographs by Justin Lansdell
A pair of Garganey present at Hardley Flood 28/04/2011. Photograph by Justin Lansdell
White Stork at Aldeby 07/05/2011. Although just outside the Yare Valley it is just a couple of flaps from getting on to the vast meadows between Acle and Great Yarmouth, lets hope! Photograph by Justin Lansdell
Two record shots of Breydon Water's Broad-billed Sandpiper found by Justin Lansdell on the 27th of May. Photos by Murray Smith.

Two further images of the Broad-billed Sandpiper at Breydon Water. Photographs by Dave Holman.

Below. The second Broad-billed Sandpiper found at Breydon Water in June. Record shot taken by Jeremy Gaskell.

Spotted Flycatchers are proving hard to find this year in the Yare valley, we have found only 2 or 3 pairs so far. This bird photographed at Strumpshaw is one of a pair which are rather obliging. Picture by Steve Smith.
Below. The Eurasian White-fronted Goose that has been seen at Buckenham Marshes during July. Escapee or one that never left? Top photo by Jeremy Gaskell Lower photo by Steve Smith.

Two images of the Marsh Warbler trapped at a site near Whitlingham in August by the UEA Ringing Group. Note the plumage tones (incl rump colour) and diagnostic wing formula with evenly spaced primary tips visible on the closed wing. Photos by Will Soar.

Below. Another Little Stint at Cantley sugarbeet factory, one of three seen at the end of August. Photo by J Lansdell.

Below, Two further pictures of the Cantley Pectoral Sandpiper, now into its second week at the site. Photos by Justin Lansdell.

Below right, another immage of the Pectoral Sandpiper at Cantley in August/September. Below right, one of the many juvenile Curlew Sandpipers that have passed through Cantley this autumn. Both photos by Ashley Saunders.

Below, two record shots of a Snow Bunting near Victory House at UEA, Norwich, noteable not only for the location but also the date, 21st September. Photos courtesy of Jeremy Gaskell.

Hybrid duck seen at Cantley sugarbeet factory on 9th October, parentage unknown, any suggestions welcome. Now thought to be Mallard x Red-crested Pochard. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. A Grey Phalarope paid a visit to Breydon Water at the end of October. A very rare bird at this site. Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Below. The Eider at Buckenham Marshes in November. A very rare bird for this site. Photo by Ben Lewis.

Below. This Snow Bunting was photographed by Ben Lewis at Buckenham Marshes during November.

Below. The Yellow-legged Gull seen on Gorleston beach in mid November. Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Below. The Tundra Bean Goose at the same undisclosed site as the American Wigeon, part of an influx into the UK during November. Photo by Peter Kitchener.

Below. The Yellow-legged Gull at Whitlingham Country Park on the 3rd December. Photo by Justin Lansdell,

Below. Some of the Waxwings on George Fox Way, Earlham during December. Photo by Chris Lansdell.

Below. 2 of the 3 Goosanders present at the UEA Broad, Norwich in mid December, Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Below. The Spoonbill at Breydon Water seen here on the 17th. This bird is rumoured to have been present for a few days prior to this date. A rare bird in December at Breydon. Top photo by Steve Smith, bottom photo by Justin Lansdell.

Below. The Great Grey Shrike at Strumpshaw Fen on October 13th, one of a national influx on that date. Photo by Ben Lewis.

Below. The Quail picked up on Gas House Quay, Gt Yarmouth in late October by Ian Mills. Was alive when found but died shortly after in care. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. A Merlin photographed by Murray Smith at Buckenham Marshes in November. A scarce but fairly regular bird at this site.

Below. A summer plumaged Golden Plover at Breydon Water in November amongst several thousand winter plumaged birds. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

Below. Two images of the drake American Wigeon at an undisclosed site in the Yare valley in November. Hopefully it will be seen later at a more accessable site. Photo by Peter Kitchener.

Below. One of the 2 Ross's Geese seen with Pink-footed Geese west of Great Yarmouth in mid December. Photos by Justin Lansdell.

Below. More images of the Waxwings on George Fox Way, Norwich. Photos by Chris Lansdell.

Below. The Rough-legged Buzzard at Haddiscoe Island during December. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. One of the Snow Buntings at Caister, Second Avenue during december. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

Below. One of the 2+ Waxwings seen at Haddiscoe during mid december. Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Below. Field notes taken from the American Golden Plover sighting at Breydon Water on 1st November. Notes by Ashley Saunders.