The 2017/18 winter has seen very few Waxwings in our area, so this one found by R McIntyre and photographed by Ben Lewis at Strumpshaw Fen in early January was very welcome.

These 4 Common Cranes were seen flying SE over Blofield Heath in late January. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Whooper Swans are the scarcer of the 2 wild swans in our area. This one was associating with Mute Swans at Halvergate in early February. Photo by Tony Stride.

This Coue's Arctic Redpoll was a great find at Whitlingham CP in late February. It was accompanied by 2 Meally and 10 Lesser Redpolls. Found and photographed by Justin Lansdell (top), lower photo by Dave Bryant.

This fine adult Caspian Gull was found and photographed by Dawn Balmer at Whitlingham during the sites 'purple patch' in early March.

Another Caspian Gull in Norwich. This one a 3rd year bird found and photographed by Ricky Cleverley at Thorpe Marsh in early March.

This young Glaucous Gull has been seen at a few sites around Norwich in the first winter period. Photographed at Earlham Marsh in mid March by James Lowen.

Always a scarce bird in our area, this Shag was found and photographed off Gorleston by Jeremy Gaskell in late March.

Spoonbills are scarce in our area, rare away from Breydon, even rarer in Norwich. So this bird seen at Whitlingham CP at the end of March was a very good spot. Found and photographed by Gary White.

The Norwich Spoonbill was followed later the same day by 4 at Buckenham Marsh. Found by Dot Machin and Steve Smith. Photo of 3 of 4 by Dave Bryant.

More from Whitlingham CP. This Little Gull was one of at least 2 which were at the site in early spring. Found and photographed by Justin Lansdell.

These 3 Ring Ouzels were amongst several spring migrants which appeared in Gt Yarmouth cemetery in mid April when the winds turned south and the sun came out. Found and photographed by Tommy Corcoran.

Spring Pied Flycatchers are always welcome, especially a male. This one, in Gt Yarmouth cemetery was part of a small influx along the east coast at the start of May. Found by Carl Buttle and photographed by Tommy Corcoran.

This Temminck's Stint was a welcome visitor to Buckenham Marsh in mid May, part of a small influx into the UK. Always distant for such a small bird but enjoyed by many. Found by Steve Smith and photographed by Dave Bryant.

Three drake Garganey at Strumpshaw Fen in late May. Are there three females somewhere nearby on nests? Hope so. Photo by Murray Smith.

This juvenile Stonechat was at Buckenham Marsh in mid June. Have they bred in the Yare valley? Photo by Steve Smith.
This pair of Scaup were a great mid-summer find by Stuart White at Thorpe Broad, Norwich. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

This Honey Buzzard was a good spot in a featureless sky as it drifted over Strumpshaw Fen in late July. Found and photographed by Ben Lewis.

This presumed Caspian Gull was a good find at Cantley sugar factory in late August by Drew Lyness, who also photographed it. Unfortunately the ring was unreadable, so origin not yet established.

A very scarce bird away from Breydon in our area. This Spotted Redshank, accompanying the Greenshanks, was a good find at Cantley BF at the end of August. Found and photographed by Drew Lyness.

Two excellentphotographs of the long-staying Whinchats at Buckenham Marshes by Chris Lansdell

This fly over Gannet at Strumpshaw Fen was an excellent spot by Drew Lyness et al at the start of October. A very rare inland bird indeed. Elizabeth Dack did very well to capture this bird on film.

Four Goosander were a good early winter find at Whitlingham CP in early November. Found and photographed by Gary White (above and below)and below,
2018 ended with a few Waxwings in the Norwich area. This is one of five seen around Chapelfield Gardens. Photo by Stewart Betts.

At least 1 Bittern is spending the first winter period at Whitlingham CP again. Photo by James Emerson.

Becoming increasingly regular in the Yare Valley, but not common yet, this Great White Egret was found by Peter Cawley off the Caister by-pass in late January. Photo by Jane Ferguson.

This Glossy Ibis was a great bird to find at the start of February in Bure Park, Gt Yarmouth. Photo by Chris Lansdell.

This fine drake Mandarin was found and photographed by Gary White at Whitlingham CP in late February.

The cold snap of late February/early March brought a few sawbills into East Anglia. This Goosander was photographed by Ricky Cleverley in early March on Thorpe Broad.

The prize sawbill is the Smew. This one at Whitlingham CP/Thorpe Marsh was found by Justin Lansdell and photographed by Rick Cleverley in early March.

The pair of Peregrines were again in evidence on Cantley British Sugar factory this spring. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Whitlingham continued its good run into mid March, when Justin Lansdell found and photographed this pair of Red-crested Pochard. The birds later appeared on Thorpe Marsh.

Inland Red-throated Divers are rare away from the sea in our area. This one was found and photographed at the west end of Breydon Water in mid March by Peter Allard.

We usually get Garganey before the end of March in the mid Yare Valley. This pair at Strumpshaw Fen were the first this year and just made it on 29th March. Photos by Ben Lewis.

These splendid drake Common Scoters continued Whitlingham CP's fine run into early April. Found and photographed by Gary White.

3 more Little Gulls at Whitlingham were found and photographed by Justin Lansdell in mid April.

The mid April influx of Little Gulls also brought Arctic Terns to our area. This one of two at Whitlingham CP was found and photographed by Garry White.

This Wood Warbler was an excellent find on Mousehold Heath in early May. Photo by Dave Norgate.

This Black Redstart was one of two singing in Norwich city centre in mid May. Seen here on the roof of the Woolpack Inn and photographed by Steve Smith.
What ever its origin, this Pied Crow on Gt Yarmouth racecourse caused much interest. Found and photographed on 14th June by Tony Carter.

This Lesser Yellowlegs was an excellent mid July bird at Buckenham Marsh. Alas a short stayer (relocating to Tichwell the following day). Found and photographed by Dave Evans.

This Little Stint was another good find by Dave Evans at Buckenham Marsh in late July. Record photo by Steve Smith.

Up to 5 Great White Egrets were seen at Strumpshaw Fen from late July. Dave Bryant did well to capture 3 of them together from Tower Hide with Little Egrets and Grey Herons.

This Cattle Egret began a stay along the south wall of Breydon Water in the second half of August. Found by John Burton and photographed by Jason Nichols.

These 2 Pectoral Sandpipers were a welcome find in late September at Buckenham Marsh. Part of a small national influx. Found by Steve Smith and photographed by Dave Bryant.

Two excellent photos of the long-stayingjuvenile Pectoral Sandpipers at Buckenham by Dave Andrews

This fine adult Rose-coloured Starling took up residence on a housing estate in New Costessey during mid October. Photo by Steve Smith.
This Slavonian Grebe took up residence at the east end of Breydon Water after a spell of easterly winds in late November. Photo by Peter Allard.

This distant Rough-legged Buzzard was a great spot as it drifted over Strumpshaw Fen in early December. Found & photographed by Ben Lewis.