Below. The Lesser White-fronted Goose at Buckenham Marshes, here for its second winter, again associating with Taiga Bean Geese. Photos by Murray Smith.

Below. Eurasian White-fronted Geese are wintering in the Yare valley in good numbers in the first winter period. A small flock seen here over Cantley Marshes. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below, 2 images of the long staying Yellow-legged Gull at Whitlingham Lane, Norwich, taken in January. Photos by Justin Lansdell.
Below. The drake Ferruginous Duck which turned up at Whitlingham Lane, Norwich in mid January. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

Below. Grey Plover is a rare bird at Cantley sugarbeet factory, so this bird seen in early February during cold weather was very welcome. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. Another February cold weather arrival was this Dark-bellied Brent Goose at Whitlingham CP which coincided with larger numbers at Breydon Water. Photo by J Emerson.

Below. This Tufted Duck x Pochard hybrid was amongst the Aythya flock at Whitlingham CP during the cold snap in February. Photo by J Emerson.

Below. These 8 Whooper Swans were in a mixed swan flock just west of Gt Yarmouth in mid February. 3 Bewicks and 40+ Mute Swans were also present. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. 2 of the Bewicks Swans west of Gt Yarmouth which were in the mixed swan flock in mid February. Photo by Justin Lansdell.
Below. The Great White Egret which has been seen on a few occaisions in the Norwich area during February eventually settled one morning at Colney gravel pits where Justin Lansdell was able to snatch a photo.
Below. Record shot of one of the (up to five) Glossy Ibis which appeared in the Berney/Halvergate area in late February. Photo by Murray Smith.

Below. The four Glossy Ibis which were seen at several sites in our area in March eventually settled at Cantley on the 17th, when most who wanted to, could catch up and see this amazing quartet. Photos by Steve Smith, Carl Chapman and Justin Lansdell.
Below. Mediterranean Gulls are scarce away from the Breydon estuary and the coast in our area, so this bird at Buckenham Marshes was very welcome (tho' less photogenic than its coastal cousins). Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. One of the Red Kites seen at Marlingford in early March. Photo by D Bryant, Below below. One of the 2 Red Kites that drifted north over Cantley on 28th March, Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. The now long staying Ruddy Shelduck, associating with the large flock of Egyptian Geese at Bradwell. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

Below. The 3 drake Goosanders that paid a visit to the UEA Broad, Norwich in January. Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Below. Waxwings are again present in Norwich in the first winter period. This one of a flock of 30+ near the city centre. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below, Many Redwings are accompanying the waxwing flock in norwich city centre. Photo by Rick Cleverley.

Below. Twite used to be a regular sight on Breydon Water but in recent years have become scarce, so a group of 5 (one of which shown below) at the west end in January are a very welcome sight. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. This Velvet Scoter arrived off the Gt Yarmouth seafront in late January and showed quite close to the shore, sometimes with a female Eider. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. More cold weather brought this drake Goosander to Whitlingham and Dunlin to Thorpe Marshes in Norwich during February. Photos by Paul Woolnough (left) and Rick Cleverley.

Below. Continuing the February cold weather theme were this redhead Smew with a Goldeneye, again at Whitlingham CP. Photo by J Emerson.

Below. This Black-necked Grebe was a good find just off Gorleston Pier on the 12th of February. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. Two unusual garden birds in our area in February were this Turtle Dove seen in Norwich on the 10th and a leucistic Robin at Reedham. Photos by Nick Robinson (left) and Chris Baker (right).

Below. This Caspian Gull was photographed by Jeremy Gaskell at the harbour mouth at Gorleston in mid February.

Below. Record shots of one of the (up to five) Glossy Ibis which appeared in the Berney/Halvergate area during late February. Photo by Will Soar.

Two images of the drake American Wigeon at Marlingford in the Upper Yare Valley. Present for several months it has frequented largely private land. Photo's by Justin Lansdell.
Black-tailed Godwits are a familiar bird in the Yare valley but not often as far up the valley as Thorpe Broad, Norwich where this bird put in a brief appearance in mid March. Photo by Ricky Cleverley.
A ringtail Hen Harrier at Surlingham Church Marsh on 17th March. Photo by Ricky Cleverley
Little-ringed Plover at Station Marshes, Thorpe on 21st March. The first to be reported in the valley this spring. Photo by Ricky Cleverley.

Below. Another Caspian Gull found and photographed by our gull man Jeremy Gaskell in Gt Yarmouth harbour in March.

Below. This male Ring Ouzel was a welcome sight in early April at Blofield Heath. Found and photographed feeding with Fieldfares by Dave Bryant.

Bewick's Swan in April is rare enough but to see it in Norwich City Centre and showing to 10yds range is truely amazing! The bird appears to be fully-winged and unringed. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. Two images of an Osprey found in mid April at Strumpshaw Fen. This bird follows hot on the heels of one at nearby Ranworth Broad, just outside our area (or possibly the same bird?). Photos by Dave Bryant.

This Arctic Tern was one of four that spent the afternoon of 24th April at Whitlingham CP, part of a nationwide influx. Photos by Justin Lansdell (top) and James Emerson (bottom)
Below. The two White Storks found by Tony Stride jnr on Damgate Marshes, Acle in late April. These birds turned up in very wet and windy weather and were part of a national influx. Photos by Steve Smith (top) and Justin Lansdell (bottom).
Below. The aberant Common Swift, which understansably set a few pulses racing at Strumpshaw Fen in early May. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. Northerly winds and inclement weather in early May dropped large numbers of hirundines and swifts into the Yare Valley including this flock of Swallows and House Martins at Buckenham. The same weather system brought a glut of reports of aberant Swifts (see above) and a brief Red-rumped Swallow at Colney. Photo by Murray Smith.

Below. This Great White Egret was photographed by Jeremy Gaskell at Burgh Castle on the evening of May 29th, where it stayed for only 5 minutes before it flew off NE. One appeared the following morning at Cley, so may be the same bird.

A record shot of the faded drake Garganey at Buckenham Marshes on 2nd June. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Above. This singing Grasshopper Warbler showed well at Station Marshes, Thorpe St Andrew in early June. Photo by Rick Cleverley
Below. Stonechats are scarce in the Yare valley during the summer months, so this young bird at Buckenham in late June was a suprise. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. Record shot of the 2 Little Ringed Plovers reared near Colney this year. Photo by Rick Cleverley.

Turtle Dove at Beighton Church 15th July, a scarce bird in the Yare Valley these days. Photo by Paul Woolnough.
Below. This Caspian Tern delighted many people ( and frustrated just as many) during its 3 day stint in the mid Yare valley in mid July. Seen here at Buckenham Marsh. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. This Honey Buzzard was a good find over Hassingham in late July, found and photographed by Dave Bryant.

Below. The wandering Osprey which is spending the late summer/early autumn in the Strumpshaw/Rockland/Buckenham area. Seen here in early September at Strumpshaw Fen. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. Nuthatches seem to have made a comeback in the mid Yare Valley at Strumpshaw Fen. After several reports this year, 2 were seen comming to the feeders there in early October. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. A juvenile or 1st winter Caspian Gull found at Gorleston during late October by our gull man Jeremy . Photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

Another image of one of the popular Nuthatches visiting the feeders at Strumpshaw Fen on 27/10/12. Photo by Dave Colk
A record shot of the Black Redstart at Norwich Cathedral in late October taken by James Emerson
Part of the elusive Waxwing flock that remained in the 'Golden Triangle' of Norwich for a fortnight in mid November. Photo by James Emerson
A record shot of the returning female Ring-neck Duck at Whitlingham CP on 9th December. Photo by finder James Emerson.
A poor record image of the Common Scoter at Whitlingham CP 9th December, a golden day for the site. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. Large falcon (larger than Marsh Harrier) photographed over Cantley Marshes on the 22nd March by Dave Bryant. Thought probably an escaped hybrid and still present on 27th.

Below. The singing Black Redstart at Gt Yarmouth harbour in late March, photo by Jeremy Gaskell.

The Caspian Gull at Whitlingham on 31st March 2012, found and photographed by James Emerson. Despite not being in the most photogenic pose to decipher plumage detail note the head and bill profile, small dark eye, long legged feel and insipid leg colour.
Given finding spring migrants is hard work at present, here's a photo for the wildfowl connoisseurs! A photo of the long-staying hybrid Goose at Whitlingham CP thought likely Ross's or Snow x Lesser White-fronted Goose taken on 14th April 2012. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. The 17th of April saw this early Willow Warbler singing at Thorpe Marshes, Norwich. Picture by Rick Cleverley.

Below. The 2 Pied Flycatchers which appeared in Gt Yarmouth cemerery at the end of April. Photos by Steve Smith.
Below. The Nightingale which was seen and heard in early May at Whitlingham Country Park, Norwich. Photo by Rick Cleverley.

Below. These two amazing Black-necked Grebes were found by Chris and Sheila Allcock at the Cantley British Sugar factory in early May. Suprisingly joined by a third bird the following day. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. Pectoral Sandpipers are scarce passage migrants, even more so in spring. So this bird at Buckenham Marshes in mid May was very welcome. Photo by Justin Lansdell

Below. Ringed Plover of the arctic race tundrae. This smaller darker race is a late spring migrant to the Yare valley and late May saw a build up at both Breydon and Buckenham, no doubt due to the notherly winds at this time. Photo by Murray Smith.

Above. Male Peregrine perched on Norwich cathedral spire on the 25th May, where a well watched pair are breeding . The first east Norfolk breeding record in living memory. Photo by Justin Lansdell.
Below. Two pairs of the now very scarce Turtle Doves are visiting a feeding station in Blofield Heath. To keep up to date with these birds go to . Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. Two from the flock of Common Crossbills that are being seen at Strumpshaw Fen in early June. Photos by Rick Cleverley (left) and Dave Bryant (right).

Below. One of the three Peregrine chicks to fledge from the breeding pair on Norwich Cathedral this June. Photo by Rick Cleverley.

Two record shots of a colour ringed 2nd summer Mediterranean Gull at Cantley BF on 13th July. Despite being a frequently encountered bird in the Gt Yarmouth area, the species remains rare further up the valley. Photos by Justin Lansdell
Below. The Caspian Tern which roamed the Yare valley for three days in mid July.Photo by Julian Bhalerao.

Below. The drake Common Scoter that visited Whitlingham Lane CP in early August. A good inland record. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. This juvenile Cuckoo showed well in the horse paddocks at Buckenham Marshes in mid August. Photo by Steve Smith.
An adult Yellow-legged Gull at Hardley Flood 30th Sept where an impressive roost of Gulls is currently in place. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. With he presence of another Osprey at Strumpshaw Fen in early autumn, people looking for it have been lucky to not only to see the Osprey, but up to 3 Bitterns. Photos by Dave Bryant.

Two images of an unusually plumaged Marsh Harrier in the mid Yare Valley, which has been causing ID problems, both taken at Strumpshaw Fen on 27/10/12. Photos by Dave Colk

Below. An early winter influx of Waxwings saw these birds all along the Yare valley, including this group at Strumpshaw Fen in early November. Photo by Steve Smith.

Two more images of the obliging Waxwings at Strumpshaw Fen in early Nov. Both photos by Justin Lansdell
Possibly the worst photo ever to appear on the website, a 'record' image of the Jack Snipe at Strumpshaw Fen in early Nov. Photo by Justin Lansdell
A record shot of the Pied Wagtail roost that settled in Surrey Street, Central Norwich in late November. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Two photos of a group of obliging Waxwings at Longwater Lane, Costessey in early Dec. Photos by Justin Lansdell