Red Fox is common along the River Yare, often controled on bird reserves and is a pest to poultry owners, but still commonly seen even during daytime hours. Photo by Steve Smith.
Though Mole activity is easily seen the Moles themselves rarely are. This one was seen above ground at Damgate, Acle on 3rd June 07. Photo by Steve Smith.
A common sight, fortunatley this Hedhehog in our garden made it across the road. Photo by Steve Smith.
Common Seals can be seen off Gt Yarmouth at a distance on Scroby Sands and they occaisionally come closer inshore. This individual was photographed by Jeremy Gaskell at the entrance to the harbour.

Below. Otters are now widespread through the Yare valley. Probably the easiest place to see them is Strumpshaw Fen where Dave Bryant took these pictures.

Bat species we have recorded in the Yare Valley.
1. Common Pippistrelle
2. Soprano Pippistrelle
3. Nathusius' Pippistrelle
4. Noctule Bat
5. Natterer's Bat
6. Daubentons Bat.

Chinese Water Deer, once a species more often heard than seen, now commonly seen along the Yare Valley. Photo by Steve Smith.
Brown Hares are common in the open fields along the Yare Valley. Photo by Steve Smith.
Though I have never seen a live Badger in the Yare Valley, this road kill at Caister shows that they do occur nearby. Photo by Steve Smith.

Rabbit, a very common sight throughout. Photo by Steve Smith.
Grey Seals occaisionaly venture well up the River Yare, this one was at Reedham on 11,02,11. Photo by Steve Smith.
Below. The Water Shrew is a mammal we rarely see. This individual was photographed by Paul Woolnough in July 2012 at Strumpshaw Fen.

Below. Stoats are a common sight in the Yare valley, but not usually in open water in the middle of Breydon estuary like this individual. Photographed by Tommy Corcoran in August 2015.

Left. Do we have Polecats in the valley? This individual found as road kill late March 2016 by the A47/A11 junction was too badly damaged to be sure of true ID as polecat-ferret could not be ruled out. Found and photographed by Justin Lansdell.

This Stoat at Buckenham Marsh in February 2018 showed some winter white in its fur. Photo by Steve Smith.

Natterer's Bat is a common and widespread myotis bat and is often found at winter roosts such as these two hibernating individuals at a well known roost in Whitlingham CP. Note the clean white underparts, and pointed 'swept back' ears (Photo by Justin Lansdell)