Below. The Halvergate Rough-legged Buzzard stays into 2015. Pictured here in early January by Tony Stride.

Below, This Richards Pipit along Breydon south wall was first recorded in November and has stayed into 2015. Photographed in early January by Andrew Easton.

Below. Twite are once again becoming regular ay Breydon Water. This trio photographed by Tommy Corcoran in late January were part of a flock of 14.

The mild winter has ensured Goosander sightings are at a premium, therefore this drake at Strumpshaw Fen was much appreciated. Photo by Ben Lewis.

Two more images of the showy Rough-legged Buzzard at Halvergate that continued to entertain until end of January at least. Photos by Ben Lewis.

Below. A main talking point of the year will be this Little Bustard found shot at Blofield in late January. Police are investigating. This is the first Norfolk record of this species since the 1960's. Photographer unknown.

Below. Short-eared Owls are in abundance in the lower Yare valley in the first winter period, including this bird at Halvergate Marshes photographed by Dave Bryant in mid February.

Below. Record shot of a pair of Goosander present on UEA Broad in early February. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

A bumper number of Scandinavian Black-headed Gulls with darvic and/or metal rings have been found this first winter period at Thorpe Green and Whitlingham CP. This bird present on 3rd February (and November 2014) was ringed in Germany but summers in Finland. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

Two record shots of the controversial drake Scaup at Colney GP on 18th-19th February. While the bird was too distant for most observers to be happy with a species level identification in the field these photos certainly suggest Greater Scaup. Photos by Michael Murphy

1st summer Caspian Gull at Breydon on 20th March. Photo by Dave Andrews

Below. A record shot of the Black Redstart on the Beauchamp Arms, Claxton Marshes in late March, taken from the north side of the river. A great inland find by Jim Bradley. Photos by Steve Smith (top) and Justin Lansdell (bottom).

Below.Two record images of the drake Ring-necked Duck found at Hardley Staithe on 24th March. Hopefully better photos will be taken if it lingers! Photo by Justin Lansdell

Below. Record shot of the female Scaup which was seen at Hardley Staithe and Cantley sugar factory in late March and early April. Sometimes with the Ring-necked Duck. Photo by Ben Lewis.

The Halvergate Rough-legged Buzzard remained into mid April when Tony Stride took this photo

This elusive female Ring Ouzel at Lusty Hills, UEA was part of a large influx and a good find by Drew Lyness and Michael Murphy on 14th April. Photo by Matt Pashby

Below. Although more frequently recorded throughout the year nowadays, early spring saw more Red Kite sightings including this bird over Earlham Marshes on April 13th. Photo by Drew Lyness.

Below. Mediterranean Gulls are still scarce away from our coast in the Yare valley, so this bird at Thorpe Marshes, Norwich was welcome in early January. Photo by Justin Lansdell.

Below. Hybrids are always fun and noteworthy. This Pochard x Ferruginous Duck at Cantley in early February photographed by Ben Lewis is a good example.

Below. This young Great Northern Diver roamed the mid Yare valley for a few days in January. Photo by Stewart Betts.

Below. Stonechats are a familiar (if thinly distributed) winter visitor and migrant to the Yare valley. They remain scarce in the Norwich area where this bird is one of two wintering at West Earlam Marsh. Photos by Nick Robinson.

Below. Smew were scarce in the first winter period, so this redhead at Burgh Castle for a day in February was welcome. Photo by Rob Wilton.

Below. This Great White Egret was a good find at Earlham Marsh, Norwich. Could it be the returning bird of the last few springs? Found and photographed by Drew Lyness.

Above.Another image of the flighty and elusive Great White Egret at Earlham Marshes taken by Nick Robinson on 15th Feb.
Below. Bewicks Swans tend to turn up during late winter in the Yare valley and this year is no exception with a good build up at Halvergate where this photo was taken by Justin Lansdell. Others were recorded throughout the valley.

Below. Sharing Earlham Marsh with the elusive Great White Egret, this (doubtless 'dodgy') Barnacle Goose was more showy. Photo by Nick Robinson.
Below. In the last 10 days of February many Bewick's Swans were seen departing east and out to sea. This flock paused at Breydon Water, Photo by Stewart Betts.

Below. Two pictures of the 4 Red-crested Pochards that made a brief visit to Thorpe Marshes, Thorpe-St Andrews on the 28th February. Photos by Christine Stead.

A satellite tagged Bewicks Swan amongst a departing flock at Breydon Water on 20th march. Photo by Dave Andrews

Above.Still a scarce bird in the mid-upper reaches of the Yare Valley, this 1st summer Mediterranean Gull paid a morning visit to Whitlingham CP on 28th March. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. Spotted Redshanks are a regular bird during the winter months on the Breydon estuary. These 3 were photographed in March by Jeremy Gaskell.

Two more images of the erratic Ring-necked Duck at Hardley Staithe in late March, the top picture clearly showing the characteristic grey wing-bar. Photos by Dave Andrews

Below. Here is Ben Dixon after finishing installing the Peregrine nest platform at Cantley sugar factory. Thankyou British Sugar. A pair of Peregrines have been present at the site since last summer. Though mating etc has been seen, no breeding has been proved. It is hoped this platform will lead to regular breeding. Photo courtesy of Ben Dixon.

Below. Although an increasingly common breeder in the Yare valley this stunning photo of a Cetti's Warbler in Gt Yarmouth is simply stunning. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

This Great White Egret at Buckenham Marshes on 28th April was only present for a few hours before departing towards Rockland. A shame it didn't stay given it is in the height of breeding condition with red legs and dark bill, finery only exhibited for a few weeks and rarely this brightly. Interestingly the bare part colouration is shared by the smaller Eastern Pale-arctic race modesta. Photos (bottom one with Little Egret shows it was not enormous bid) by B.Lewis

Below.This Nightingale was a great find at Thorpe Marshes, Norwich in late April and finally gave in to provide photographic views when it was joined by a second singing male. Photos by R.Cleverley

Above.Two excellentphotos of the Pectoral Sandpiper found at Buckenham Marshes on 2nd May. Photos by Ben Lewis
Below. These 2 Spoonbills flew over Breydon Water on May 12th, Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. This eclipse drake Goosander was an unexpected bird on the river at Thorpe St Andrews. Found and photographed by Drew Lyness.
Below. Another good find and photo by Drew Lyness was this young Garganey at Strumpshaw Fen on the same date as the above Goosander.
Below. This skua sp? flew through Breydon in early August. Either a Pomarine or Arctic. This heavily cropped shot was taken by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. This Great White Egret was a welcome visitor to Strumpshaw Fen in early August. Found by the warden Ben Lewis and photographed by Drew Lyness.

Three more evocative images of the Great White Egret at Strumpshaw Fen arriving to roost. Photos by Ben Lewis

One of two Sandwich Terns that made a brief visit to Strumpshaw Fen on 25th August. Photo by Ben Lewis
Below. This young Red-backed Shrike was a good find in early September in Gt Yarmouth cemetery in a fall of drift migrants. Photographed by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. This Great Grey Shrike found and photographed by Tommy Corcoran in Gt Yarmouth cemetery during a mid October east coast influx of the species.

Below, This Great Grey Shrike at Strumpshaw Fen is one of two to take up residence there. Photo by Murray Smith.

Below. This Pallas's Warbler was a welcome find at Braddock Avenue, Caister in mid October. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. This juvenile American Golden Plover was a good find by Peter Allard on Breydon Water in late October. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. Despite Breydon being close to the sea, Guillemots are rather scarce on the estuary. This one was photographed in late November by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. Another scarce maritime visitor to Breydon Water, this Shag was found and photographed by Tommy Corcoran at the start of December.

Below. This drake Mandarin provided more ornamental wildlife highlights in mid December. Found late evening on the fishermans pool at Cantley sugar factory. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. This Pacific Golden Plover was a welcome arrival to Breydon Water in late June. Photo by Jane Ferguson.

Three more excellent images of the often confiding Pacific Golden Plover at Breydon Water. Above Andrew Easton and left and below Tim Allwood

Below. A poor spring for Curlew Sandpipers on Breydon followed by a blank July so a few early sightings in early August were welcome. This is one of these birds, photographed by Tony Stride.

Below. Few of the Spoonbills recorded at Breydon Water this year have lingered, unlike this duo which first appeared in early August. Photo by Drew Lyness.

Below. This Wryneck was a good find at the end of August at Caister. Rather elusive at times. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. This Yellow-browed Warbler in Gt Yarmouth cemetery was part of an amazing influx into eastern England in late September, with at least 11 in our area on the 27th. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. Two shots of the White-winged Black Tern found by Barry Jarvis at Cantley sugar factory in early October. Photos by Steve Smith.

Above. An excellent photo of the White-winged Black Tern at Cantley Beet Factory, clearly showing the transition to first winter plumage. Photo by Alex Berryman
Below. This Radde's Warbler was an excellent find by Tommy Corcoran in Gt Yarmouth cemetery on the 12th October. Very elusive but Tommy managed this excellent photo. The bird reappeared on the 15th!

Below. This Great Grey Shrike found and photographed by Peter Allard along Breydon Water south wall, was another of at least six in our area that was part of the mid October influx.

Below. Another of the several Yellow-browed Warblers that were on the east coast in early October. This one spent a few days in Caister Rd cemetery. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. This cracking male Siberian Stonechat was a brilliant find by Guy Oxbourgh at Caister golf course in late October. Photos by Jane Ferguson (top) and Andrew Easton (bottom).

Mediterranean Gulls remain very scarce in the upper Yare valley, so this advanced 1st winter at Earlham Park, Norwich was a good find. Photo by Drew Lyness

Below. This Lesser Yellowlegs put in several erratic appearances at Breydon Water in November. A difficult bird to catch up with. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. This Mallard x Pintail hybrid at Whitlingham CP provided interest during December. Photo by Justin Lansdell