This Ring-necked Parakeet has been a regular at Whitlingham CP since December 2021 and most easily seen going to roost. Edmund Mackrill did well to get this photo in late Feb.

These 3 Common Cranes over Buckenham Marshes on 21st March were well captured by E.Mackrill

The last week of April saw a light passage of Arctic Terns through the valley with most being seen at Whitlingham CP where this beauty was well photographed by Edmund Mackrill

Further down the Yare Valley Mediterranean Gulls are common but this pair at Whitlingham CP in mid April were a scarce find by Drew Lyness who also managed this excellent photograph during their brief stay
Although numbers are so far lower than in 2021 a few Little Gulls have also turned up alongside the Arctic Terns and this beautiful adult was at Cantley BF on 24th April. Photographed and found by Drew Lyness.

The cold easterly airflow in late April delayed the cross country migration of waders and grounded a group of Bar-tailed Godwits and several Spotted Redshanksat Buckenham Marshes where they were photographed by Drew Lyness

This Osprey paid a visit to Strumpshaw Fen in mid August, found and photographed by Drew Lyness.

This Cattle Egret was a late October visitor to Buckenham Marsh. Found by Martin Fagg and photographed by Drew Lyness.

The immature/female Scaups at Whitlingham were joined by this fine male in mid December, bringing the total to probably 5 individuals in the winter cold snap. Foung by Mark Eldridge and photographed by Justin Lansdell.

A juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Buckenham Marshes in Mid Oct andfound by Dave Edwards proved elusive being seen only in the mornings before flying off east (whether it was the same one found by Steve Smith and Dot Machin two weeks ago remains unknown). Photo by Justin Lansdell

A good early winter for Whooper Swans in our area continued with these 2 at Whitlingham Lane. Found and photographed by Drew Lyness.