Below. One of Buckenhams wintering Peregrines feasting on a Teal it had just caught. Photo taken in early January by Dave Bryant.

Two images of the Glossy Ibis at Bure Park, Great Yarmouth in January, although showy it was often disturbed by dog walkers. Photos by Justin Lansdell
Two further images of one of several Mealy Redpolls trapped and ringed at the feeding station at the east end of UEA Broad, Norwich in January. Photos by Will Soar
A Norwegian (Oslo) colour-marked Black-headed Gull wintering at Whitlingham CP, and still present on 29th January. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. The Slavonian Grebe seen on the river at Strumpshaw Fen in late January, Photo by Dave Bryant.

The confiding first winter Waxwing that frequented a single apple laden tree in Ber Street, Central Norwich in mid Feb. Photo by Justin Lansdell
A Suffolk colour-ringed Herring Gull that made it to Whitlingham CP on 22nd Feb. Photo by James Emerson.

Three outrageous images of the very showy Waxwing at The John Innes Institute, Norwich in late Feb-early March. Two on left by Nick Robinson, Right image by Jake Gearty

Record shot of the adult Spoonbill at Breydon in early march, an early return. Photo by Tommy Corcoran

A classic photograph of one of the Firecrests that were present in Great Yarmouth Cemetery in late March. Photo by T.Corcoran
A photo of the Black Redstart present in Corton Road, Central Norwich on 30th March 2014. Photo by James Emerson
Below. This Red Kite was photographed by Dave Bryant in mid April at Postwick. Very close to the Whitlingham/Thorpe sightings during the same month.

Below. Early spring was a good time to see Black Redstarts in the Yare valley. This one was photographed by Jeremy Gaskell in his garden on Beach Road in late March,

Two images of the 2 Common Cranes that spent 15th April at Strumpshaw Fen. Photos by Justin Lansdell
A drake Goosander at Whitlingham in mid April was both late and reflected the cold weather at the time!. Photograph by Justin Lansdell
Below. Up to three Grasshopper Warblers have been singing at Strumpshaw Fen in April. Always tricky to see, so Dave Bryant did well to get this photograph in late April.

A drake Garganey at Buckenham Marshes on 1st May, presumably one of a pair present in the mid Yare Valley for almost a month. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below, left and right. Although several Spoonbill have been seen in the Breydon area during spring few have lingered, as with this bird which flew over on the 20th May, and these three on the 25th May. Photos by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. Six of the seven Common Scoters which were seen at the west end of Breydon Water in late June. An excellent record. Photo by Tony Stride.

Below. Turtle Doves are a decreasing species in our area and nationwide, so good news to see that have successfully bred in a Blofield Heath garden for the 10th year in a row. This male with one of its brood were photographed in early July by Dave Bryant.

Below. This juvenile Black Tern made a brief visit one evening to Buckenham Marshes in mid July. Found and photographed by Ben Lewis.

Two better photos of the Great Knot at Breydon Water, taken by Chris Bromley. What a bird!

Below. Two images of the female/immature Ruddy Duck in the mid Yare valley in August. A controversial bird, so we are not disclosing the site publicly. If you need details of this bird please email us. Photos by Steve Smith.

Below, left and right. This Wryneck in Gt Yarmouth cemetery was one of the stars of the late August fall on our east coast. A great find by Perry Fairman and a great photos by Graham Clarke (left) and Perry Fairman (right).

Below. Another feature of the early autumn fall were Whinchats and Spotted Flycatchers, seen here in Gt Yarmouth cemetery. Photos by Tommy Corcoran.
Below. Always notable in the Yare Valley this Tree Pipit was photographed by Tommy Corcoran in Gt Yarmouth cemetery in mid September.
Below. Many of the Red-throated Divers that come to winter off our coast are in stunning summer plumage when they first arrive in late September or early October, like these 2 birds photographed by Tommy Corcoran off Gt Yarmouth.

Below. A good influx of Yellow-browed Warblers into the UK this autumn brought a few to our area, including this bird in Gt Yarmouth cemeterys in mid October. Photos by Tommy Corcoran (top) and Danni Gilroy (bottom).

Three images of the long-staying Rough-legged Buzzards at Breydon North Wall found in late Oct and lingering into November at least. Photos by Will Soar

Below. A very good second winter spell in the Yare Valley for raptors saw several Hen Harriers in the area, including this bird at Haddiscoe. Photographed in late November by Dave Bryant.

Below. The 2 Common Cranes which took up residence near Acle in early January. Photos by Steve Smith.

Mealy Redpoll at UEA, Norwich found by Nick Robinson on 5th January it was trapped on 10th and was still visiting the feeders until at least 12th Jan. Photo by Jake Gearty

Jay also trapped and ringed at UEA, Norwich in January. As always an impressive bird! Photo by Will Soar
One of two Shorelarks settled on Great Yarmouth North beach in January 2014. Photo by Chris Lansdell

A single Waxwing adorned a garden at the south end of Woodfarm Lane, Gorleston on 28th January. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.
Below. Another Meally Redpoll, this one was at Strumpshaw Fen in early February. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. Bewick's Swans are a regular feature in the Yare Valley in the latter part of the winter as they begin their journey back to their breeding grounds from the wintering grounds further west. This group were photographed at Halvergate in early February by Steve Smith.

Two record shots of the juv Iceland Gull briefly at Cantley Marshes on 28th February. An excellent find by Ben Lewis who took these photos.

Two Dark-bellied Brent Geese that went east over Cantley Marshes on 10th March, a rare inland bird. Sure photographer Ben Lewis won't mind me describing it as 'a record shot'
The first Wheatear of the year in the Yare Valley, at Breydon South wall on 11th March. Photo by Tommy Corcoran

Below. One of the two Rough-legged Buzzards which have over wintered on Haddiscoe Island. Always very distant, so Murray Smith did well to get this image in early March.

Two record shots of Red Kite at Whitlingham on 31st March (top - Dave Andrews) and 8th March (bottom -James Emerson). Although two have been reported the regular bird has a displaced primary in left wing and a difficult to observe red wing-tag (thought likely from Central Scottish re-introduction although code not yet read).

Below. Little Gull ia Always a good bird to see in the mid Yare valley. This 1st year bird was at Strumpshaw Fen in mid April. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. The pair of Garganey that took up residence at Strumpshaw Fen in early April. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. One of the 3 Short-eared Owls seen in mid April at Haddiscoe Marshes. Photo by Allison Allen.

Below. A couple of record shots of the adult Whiskered Tern at Rockland Broad. A great find by Dave Lester. Photos by Ben Lewis (top) and Steve Smith (bottom).

Below left and right. The Ring Ouzel at UEA, Norwich in late April. An excellent inland record in what has been a good spring for this bird on the coast locally. Photos by Drew Lyness.

The Common Cranes remained in the mid Yare Valley until at least 1st May when they spent the evening at Cantley Marshes. Record shot by Justin Lansdell

Below. White Stork records in our area are somewhat clouded by the free flying Thrigby birds. While this bird seen in late June at Breydon Water may well be one of them, there may be a few genuine birds. Photo by Tony Stride.

Below. A record shot of the adult summer plumaged Great Knot which was an excellent find by Peter Allard at Breydon Water in mid July. Photos by Tony Stride (top) and Will Soar (bottom).

Record shot of the Sanderling that twice circled UEA Broad early morning on 25th July, an outstanding find at the site! Photo by Jake Gearty

Below, right and left. This Franklins Gull made an all too brief visit to Breydon Water on the 1st of August. An excellent find by James Gilroy. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

Below, left and right. It is always worth checking through the moulting wildfowl during late summer as this female Garganey (right) at Strumpshaw proves. Found and photographed by Ben Lewis and (left) this eclipse or imm male at the same site, photographed by Steve Smith also shows.

Below. Autumn kicked in during the last week in August with a scattering of drift migrants including this Pied Flycatcher at Gt Yarmouth churchyard. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

Below. This young Osprey paid an early September visit to Strumpshaw Fen and Buckenham Marshes. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. These 2 Common Cranes at Buckenham Marshes in early September were possibly ones that have been reported on and off all year in the mid Yare valley. Photo by Murray Smith.
Below. Record shot of the female Scaup at Cantley sugar factory, which was a good find by Justin Lansdell in mid September. Photo by Steve Smith.

Another image of the female Scaup at Cantley BF in late September showing detail of bill pattern and structure. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. Spoonbills in our patch have been few and far between, so this immature at Breydon was welcome in mid October. Photo by Tony Stride.

Below. This bill saddled Teal was at Strumpshaw Fen in October. It was marked in Normandy, France the previous January. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. This female Desert Wheatear turned up at Gorleston in early November as part of a mini influx into SE England. Photos by Steve Smith (top) and Justin Lansdell (bottom two).

Below. Up to 8 Mandarins have been visiting Lingwood village pond this autumn, Despite there dubious origin they are always good to see. These 3 of 6 were photographed by Tony Stride.

With numbers of winter wildfowl generally low so far this winter it remains very quiet in the valley. This 'new' hybrid at Buckenham Marshes in December matches plumage and bare part colouration of proven White-fronted x Barnacle Goose hybrids elsewhere in the county but was surprisingly small in the field. Photos by Dave Holman.
The regular Taiga Bean Geese flock has proved elusive so far this winter with a maximum of just 33 birds reported before christmas and whole week-long periods of seeming absence from favoured Buckenham and Cantley Marshes. Therefore Dave Holman did well to secure this image (note neck-ringed bird in left of photo)
Scarce so far this winter, this redhead Goosander made sporadic appearances at Colney GP, Bowthorpe in December. Photo by Dave Holman.