The Slavonian Grebe which arrived at Whitlingham Lane CP during the cold spell in January, Top photo by Steve Smith, bottom Chris Lansdell.

One of three Bitterns found at Whitlingham Lane CP during the mid January cold snap. Photo by Justin Lansdell.
These 9 Common Cranes were seen over Morrison's car park, Norwich and Whitlingham Lane CP on the 2nd February. Photo by Dave Bryant.

This Water Rail at Thorpe Marshes, Norwich was no doubt out in the open due to the freezing weather conditions. Photographed by Rick Cleverley on 22nd January.
Below. What is surely the same bird that has been at Marlingford. This Great White Egret was watched eating a Perch at Bowthorpe. Photo taken in early February by Steve Smith.

These 4 Bewicks Swans were welcone visitors to Claxton Marshes in mid February. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. This Grey Wagtail was an added attraction for people looking for the Shag in Norwich city centre. At least 2 were seen. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. A good showing of Short-eared Owls in the Yare Valley in the first winter period included this bird at Claxton Marshes in early March. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. The neck collared Bewick's Swan seen at Buckenham Marshes in late February during a influx into the Yare valley. Photo by Dave Bryant.

As spring struggled to get going in the often snowy conditions, this male Blackcap visited a Norwich garden on 10th March. Photo by James Emerson

Below. 6 of the 7 Common Cranes which spent a few days near Acle during the second half of March. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. This pair of Garganey settled into Bure Park at the end of March. Birders coming to see these birds also found a Long-eared Owl in early April! Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. Although just a few yards out of our 'patch' and into Suffolk, this Long-eared Owl delighted many as it roosted in a roadside hedge just outside Hopton in mid April. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. A record shot of the Green-winged Teal (first bird left of the post) at Breydon Water in February. A difficult bird to catch up with, it delighted some but frustrated many! Photo by Peter Allard.

Below. The 3rd Mediterranean Gull to be seen at Strumpshaw Fen in mid April. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. The two White Storks which frequented the marshes west of Great Yarmouth in early spring. Seen here at Berney Marshes / Burgh Castle. One of these birds carries a small yellow ring, so they probably come from the captive residents at Thrigby wildlife park. Still nice birds to see though. Photo by Peter Allard.

Below. A mid April influx of Arctic Terns into the UK included several in the Yare Valley. This bird was one of the ones seen at Whitlingham Lane. Photo by James Emerson.
Below. This Wood Sandpiper was one of two that were seen at Cantley Marshes in late April/early May. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. The sub adult male Montagu's Harrier at Strumpshaw Fen on 10th May. Found and photographed (from his mobile phone!) by the warden Ben Lewis.

Below. Two images of the Breydon Water Montagu's Harrier in May. These pictures show that it is a different bird than the one at Buckenham Marshes during the same period. Photos by Paul Noakes.

Two images of an aberrant Common Swift at Whitlingham CP on 30th May that must have set the heart of the observer racing momentarily! Photo by James Emerson.
Below. Osprey is again a feature of the mid Yare valley this summer. This bird was photographed over Strumpshaw Fen in early June by Dave Bryant. Will they become a breeding bird soon?

Below. Continuing the run of Montagu's Harriers in our area this year, this male was found and photographed by Dave Bryant at Blofield Heath on July 13th.

Below. This young Yellow-legged Gull was a good spot in mid July at Breydon Water. Found and photographed by Jeremy Gaskel.

Below. Record shot of the sometimes elusive Red-necked Phalarope at Cantley sugar factory found by Barry Jarvis in mid August. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. Several sightings of Ospreys in the valley this early autumn. These 2 were photographed by Dave Bryant over Strumpshaw.

Below. This immature Rose-coloured Starling was a good find amongst the local Starlings in mid September. Photo below by Steve Smith, photo right by Ian Brittain

Below - Another excellent portrait of the obliging Rose-coloured Starling at Beach Road, Caister-on-Sea. Photo by Murray Smith

An excellent portrait of one of the Firecrests showing well at times in Great Yarmouth Cemetery late Sept-early Oct. Photo by Tommy Corcoran.

Record shot of the Great Grey Shrike that spent 25 minutes on Great Yarmouth South Denes on 13th October before flying off high inland. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Two record shots of the Pacific Golden Plover at Breydon Water on 19th October taken in poor weather but miraculously showing the structure, leg length, size and plumage well. Photos by Lee Gregory
One of a number of Woodcock tempted out into the open during the early year cold snap. This individual spent the 17th January in a Sprowston garden. Photo by Alistair McDougal.
Below left & right. The Great White Egret which returned to between Marlingford & Bawburgh for its third year in late January. Photos by Justin Lansdell
The adult Shag in central Norwich found by James Emerson on 11th Feb. Photographs by Justin Lansdell
Below. At least one of the Peregrines had returned to the spires of Norwich cathedral by mid February. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. Pintails are rather uncommon away from Breydon during the winter months, so this drake, photographed by Dave Bryant in late February was a welcome sight.

The Great White Egret at Earlham Marshes/Bowthorpe persisted into early March and at times showed very well as the following video footage by Ashley Saunders testifies. Find it at:
Below. Stonechats have been few and far between in the valley this winter, so this one was a welcome sight at Strumpshaw Fen on the 12th of March. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Four images of the Glaucous Gull which spent a few days at Caister in the second half of March. Its occurrence coincided with an influx of large gulls into east Norfolk which included at least 5 Glaucous Gulls. Photos by Kevan Brett.

Below. The female Hawfinch which spent a few days in a Burgh Castle garden in late March. Photo by Paul Noakes.

The adult Whooper Swan that lingered with the Mute Swan flock by the Acle Straight into April. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Left and below, two more images of the pair of Garganey at Bure Park, Great Yarmouth in late March. Photos by Justin Lansdell
Below. Still a scarce bird away from the coast, though increasingly recorded inland, these pair of Mediterranean Gulls were part of a trio seen at Strumpshaw Fen in mid April. Photo by Ben Lewis.

Below. Another good Garganey spring in the Yare valley. This female was well spotted amongst Teal at Strumpshaw Fen in mid April. Photo by Ben Lewis.

Below. After a few sightings of flyover White Storks in the Gt Yarmouth/Breydon area in mid April, it was good to finally catch up with this bird settled on the ground along the Acle New Rd, west of the town. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. This spring was excellent for Red Kites in the Yare valley, including this bird at Strumpshaw Fen in late April. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Below. Turtle Doves have returned to Beighton church again this year. This bird was one of three seen in early May. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. Two images of the Montagu's Harrier at Buckenham Marshes seen on the 19th of May. Photos by Steve Smith.

Below. More images of the long staying Montagu's Harrier in the Breydon area in May. Photos by Steve Smith.

Below. This splendid male Red-backed Shrike was a good find by Ian Smith on the south wall of Breydon Water in early June. Photo by Steve Smith.

Below. One of the four Peregrine chicks trying out its wings on the morning that they fledged from Norwich cathedral. Photo by Steve Smith.

Now not restricted to roof breeding in Great Yarmouth, many pairs of Lesser black-backed (pictured) and Herring Gulls now breed in Norwich including these at Bessemer Road. Photo by Justin Lansdell
Below. Young Stonechats have now been seen in the Buckenham and Strumpshaw area for the last two mid summers. This bird at Strumpshaw follows on from 2 at Buckenham in July. Photo by Dave Bryant.

Two fantastic images of the obliging Wryneck at Strumpshaw Fen in late August. Photos by Murray Smith

Below. A good number of Whinchats passed through the valley in early autumn, including this one at Buckenham Marshes which was photographed by Dave Bryant.

One of 8 European White-fronted Geese at Buckenham Marshes on 27th Sept. Having not been present previously and arriving during easterly winds, could they be early arrivals? Photo by Annie Baker.

Below. This Red-breasted Flycatcher seen in Gt Yarmouth cemetery was part of a classic autumn fall along the east coast of the UK. Photo by Steve Smith.

A juvenile Grey Wagtail in the upper Yare Valley at Barnham Broom that was still being fed by its parents in October. Photo by John Geeson.

Showy Firecrest and brief Hawfinch in Great Yarmouth Cemeteries on 19th October. Photos by Ben Lewis

Two record shots of the Ruddy Shelduck with Egyptian Geese at Cantley Marshes on 2nd November, presumably the long staying bird present with flocks of the same species in the valley for the past 2 years. Photos by Justin Lansdell
Below. As the Rose-coloured Starling at Caister continues its stay into winter will it moult into adult plumage? Photo by Murray Smith.

The drake Mandarin at Hardley Flood on 15th December, fully winged, mobile and unringed. Photo by Justin Lansdell
A dead Woodcock found in Ber Street, Central Norwich on 19th December. Phot by James Emerson.
Below. One of the Shorelarks which frequented Gt Yarmouth north beach from late autumn. Photo by Ben Lewis.

One of 38 Snow Buntings caught at Caister on 8th December. Photo by Kevan Brett

Below. This Mediterranean Gull (2H21) was ringed in Gt Yarmouth in early November 2013. Seen here in late December 2013 on Gorleston cliffs. Photo by Steve Smith.